Make an impact like you never imagined.
I had to be a part of this.
It was 2010, and I was reading every book I could about food and how it affects our bodies. I had been working out since I was 12, and knew all about lean cuisines, slim fast shakes, diet pills, and was on a typical regimen of birth control, antacids, allergy meds, and antidepressants. I was totally, and completely normal. And then I discovered a whole new way of living. I was referred to IIN by a family member and once I learned that I could create a career (or a side gig, whatever you’re looking for) by studying food, how to live a naturally healthier lifestyle, and help others do the same, I was thrilled. I never looked back. I still appreciate the community that IIN offers and am proud to share it with others. I invite you to explore it as well. Maybe this is what you’ve been looking for.