A Health Coach's List of Foods To Avoid

Some people believe that all foods are ok in moderation. Me? Not so much. My philosophy is that if something is really worth it to you and made with the best ingredients possible, there is room for some indulgences in life. But some foods, are just not foods. I’ve broken down a list of foods that I suggest removing from your diet for improved digestion, hormonal health, immunity, mood and more.

There are some things that I consider a treat and some things I consider poison. You don’t have to follow this list perfectly. When asked what foods are recommended to cut for better health overall, here’s my insight.


·       All fried foods

·       Cream cheese, sour cream + mayonnaise

·       Anything with artificial colors (red #40, yellow #5, such as Twizzlers, Skittles)

·       Anything with HFCS, MSG, or hydrogenated oils

·       High calorie coffee drinks that look like dessert (you know what I’m talking about)

·       Anything from Subway, Taco Bell, McDonald’s or other fast food places

·       Any food remotely in the category of Cheetos, Doritos, Fritos, etc.

·       Pork products (occasional organic/nitrate free bacon is ok)

·       All sausages, hot dogs, or anything resembling one

·       Fruity, mixed alcoholic drinks, or “dessert” alcoholic drinks (chocolate martini, artificially flavored drinks

·       Try to avoid fruit juices, lemonade, sports drinks, sodas + energy drinks, or any flavored beverage other than unsweetened tea and water

·       Donuts, breakfast pastries, and similar items


·       Wine (opt for organic when you can)

·       Homemade sweets (cookies and cakes) that are made with quality ingredients or store bought that are organic

·       High quality craft beer (unless you are avoiding gluten or feel bloated + gross when you drink it

·       Pizza made with organic ingredients and toppings (in this case, cheaper is usually the worst)

·       Burgers made from sustainable, organic meats with fresh toppings (not fast food)

·       If you feel like you really want to eat something processed like chips, pretzels or mac n cheese, have it sparingly, make it at home if you can, or purchase organic options.

·       Soy products, try to limit all types of soy and soy protein supplements, which the exception of edamame and organic tofu if you like it. Limit fake, soy “meats” as much as you can and focus on whole grains, vegetables, lentils and legumes if you are limiting your animal protein consumption.

Your days and meals won't always be perfect, that's why it's really important to eat your best and take care of yourself when you can. Practice an 80/20 rule so that you are eating they way you choose and prefer (in a way that is mindful and nourishes your body, making you stronger and healthier) the majority of the time. When the unplanned happens, special occasions come up or you're traveling, you can be ready for the unexpected or even indulge a little. 


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