Turns Out, Consistency Really Is Key

I keep hearing from a lot of people (clients, friends, acquaintances) all of these ideas they have about their next diet plan, a new supplement idea or workout they’ve discovered, and then they change their mind quickly. I don’t fault them for it, I’m always on to the next better idea that comes to me. But I do hope for myself and others, that we give what we are working on a real chance.

This may be something your studying, you’re practicing, a healthier way of eating, even a relationship. You have to really experience it and work at it daily.

You see, consistency is what I discuss my clients around their 3rd or 4th session. This is when a new way of eating, a new way of looking at food and nutrition, or a healthy lifestyle, starts to feel less "new." This is when an adjusted lifestyle starts to feel more normal but ALL the instant gratification of a quicker but extreme diet may not be happening quite yet. (You know, like, I worked out for the last two weeks and nothing is happening!)

It is happening, my friend, but you must be consistent.

Whether you are removing sugar, alcohol, processed foods...whether you want to lose weight...whether you think Keto is the only way you can lose weight (it's not) or you just started drinking Bulletproof coffee or mushroom coffee or CBD capsules, whatever you do, you have to be consistent. 

And this is why I really encourage anyone I work with to make small, consistent changes confidently. When I say confidently, I mean, you really trust those choices. You don't waiver. You don't do it for 3 days and then give yourself a "cheat day." 

So don't switch your diet every few weeks...Don't listen to what 6 different people (who are not educated as health practitioners) are telling you to do to lose weight. Don't quit in the first week. Don't try to go no-carb, intermittently fast, quit gluten, add in a bunch of supplements, and try aerial yoga all at the same time and then stop everything a week later. 

Be consistent, and start small.


Commit To What You Want, And How You Talk About


What Does It Mean To Go "Plant-Based"?