What’s working and what’s not during quarantine
I cannot believe that this pandemic-quarantine life is starting to feel normal.
Two weeks ago, I felt like we were all in panic mode. This was new and crazy, and we didn’t know what to stock up on, for how long, and no one knew who was overreacting or underreacting.
One week ago, we started to accept and implement our new way of living (temporary, that is.) We adapted to zoom calls with family and friends, happy hours, going to the store only once a week (hopefully) and a lot of people were drinking a lot of booze.
This week, my family and I are realizing that it’s probably not our best choice to treat every day like a Saturday, so to speak. My husband and I are both working from home, and we’re semi-homeschooling my son (who is quite happy with every day being a Saturday), but our eating and wine-drinking habits have gotten a little out of hand.
Before you gain the covid-19 (lbs), deplete your immune system with sugar, comfort foods, and alcohol, I encourage you, this week, to re-implement some routine into your home and life. Communicate with your partner and family on what is really the hardest for you right now. Do you need more exercise? More alone time? Less tv? More water and vegetables? Maybe you need to make sure your household is in bed an hour earlier (instead of thinking, “Well, we have nowhere to go tomorrow, stay up as late as you want!” Maybe you need to get out for a walk by yourself every other day or daily.
We decided that a couple of nights a week we would commit to reading in the evenings instead of watching our shows. We’d take a few nights off from wine and pizza in exchange for soup and rice. We’d make sure to schedule a time for each of us to get a workout in.
Talk about how you feel. Set up a Facetime or Zoom call with your BFF or family member. Check-in on parents and grandparents. Tell your partner if you’re struggling and come up with a plan so you can get through this together, better.
We all have a choice. We can follow the guidelines. We can stay at home, stay healthy, and protect ourselves. We can focus on the brighter side of things. We can band together, be kind and respectful to others, and know that this too, shall pass.
Last week I shared some really helpful resources and solutions for making your stay-at-home experience a little smoother. This week, I’m sharing a few ideas that came across my path to make this time one of reflection and nourishment for the body and soul (why not learn something or create something during this time?)
These are not paid affiliations, other than that I do work with Beautycounter and Solle Naturals supplements. The rest are recommendations from great peeps doing great things. Enjoy and stay strong and calm, friends!
Health and Nutrition:
For immune support, cold/flu remedies, and stress management, order clean, safe, and effective herbal supplements from Solle Naturals.
You can also take a health assessment here for free to learn which products are recommended for you right now.
Books to Read: (on my nightstand or in my Amazon cart)
Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert (self-help/spirituality)
The Middle Finger Project, Ash Ambirge (self-help/business)
Untamed, Glennon Doyle (all things amazing)
What Alice Forgot, Liane Moriarty (fiction)
Things to help with meditation:
Calm or Headspace App on your phone
Oprah and Deepak’s meditation challenge
Happy things:
Check out what Sunny Bunny Balloons is doing in So Cal to brighten up our days, homes, and neighborhoods
Virtual 'Love Sweet Love' From Quarantined Berklee College of Music Students
What are you watching? What are you reading? What’s working for you and your home? Please send me things you’d like me to share to bring health and happiness to others.