Staying positive in uncertain times (and ideas you’ll actually use to stay busy)
So, this is happening. No one will deny that this is unsettling, and it’s ok to feel a lot of feels right now. My mind is bouncing between feeling cozy while stay-cationing with my family over the next few weeks and subconsciously imagining scenes from movies like I Am Legend and The Day After Tomorrow, trying not to focus on the latter.
I’d hope by now, you’ve accepted and are implementing the idea of washing your hands (and your family’s), as well as keeping your distance from others, staying home when sick, and keeping your kids home when they’re sick.
When it comes to eating and staying healthy…
Besides stocking up on essentials (if and when you decide to stay home with your family for a few days to a few weeks, which hasn’t quite become officially suggested at this time), I would like to take a moment to encourage you to continue to eat healthy foods. Yes, I know that knowing what defines “healthy” in today’s world can be a conflicting statement…However, a healthy, balanced diet is one of the first steps in combating the free radicals that come from stress, as well as keeping your immune system strong (an article from Dr. Mark Hyman).
Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, taking your supplements, eating extra vegetables, and prioritizing your sleep right now. Sleep is very important for your immune system. Cooking with fresh foods and using ingredients like onions, garlic, turmeric, oregano, honey (small amount), lemon, and ginger, are also good immune boosters and infection fighters.
If you’re under the weather, COVID or not, try to eat lightly, and eat a lot of vegetables. Sugar, processed starches like cereals or muffins, and dairy, are not going to help you heal. Bone broth based soups with cooked greens and vegetables and healing spices are your go to.
Meat is a little harder to digest, so consider taking a few days off or just having eggs, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and some fresh fruit instead.
Clean your home well, with disinfectants (ideally earth-friendly ones), making sure to spray things like remote controls, all sides of laptops and tablets, the fridge door, and door handles. Car keys, wallets, purses, and phones love to hold onto germs (and steering wheels), so however you can clean those safely, do.
When it comes to your workouts and stress management…
You’re going to have to use your judgement here. A busy gym doesn’t sound like the best option at the moment to me, but I am finding that most public places, if they are still open, are taking extensive measures to enhance their cleaning procedures.
If you’ve decided to pause on the gym, get outside if you can! Walk, ride, run, breathe. Exercise (and sex) is the perfect way to release stress.
My peeps over at Down Dog (awesome at-home yoga app) shared this with me and I thought I’d pass it on to you:
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are avoiding gathering in large groups, including at yoga studios and other fitness spaces. We believe that stressful times like these are precisely when people need wellness practices the most, and we are committed to doing our part to help out.
So that anyone who wants to practice at home can do so, we are making all of our apps - Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute Workout - completely free until April 1st. You can learn more about all five of these apps at
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (my beloved Health Coaching Certification School) Offers the following guides for staying healthy and calm during this stressful time:
12 Tips to Get Through the End of Winter
Practicing Self-Care in the Digital Age
And I would also like to encourage you to keep calm, control what you can control, and be kind.
There are people offering to get supplies for those who cannot leave their homes on social media sites.
There are people offering to make and prepare lunches for families who normally have lunches at school and are out of school.
People are supporting and raising funds for those who may have to miss work due to illness or work closures.
While hunkering down at home for an extended time, think about all the projects you can do with your families:
Donating all the things you never use and take up space in your home
Workout together
Go for a walk or play outside
Read together
Read alone
Create crafts, paint, cook
Clean out your closets and desktop areas
This may be a time for reflection, gratitude, and a retreat at home, like a second Winter Break, is how I’m looking at it. I’m not excited, but I’m focusing on all the angles that point away from panic.
This is a global experience that has the opportunity to unite us in ways we hadn’t imagined. Every single individual has a choice in how she or she acts, speaks, or reacts in every moment of every day, and you can make positive, kind, and healthy choices, even when it’s hard.
PS: The best, cleanest, and kindest essential oils I’ve ever known are available through my friends, Lemia and Joshua, for medicinal aromatherapy, visit their site at